Dear visitors,

With utmost dedication of stakeholders in TPCL, we have generated our first Hydroelectric Project: Upper Khorunga Khola Small Hydropower Project of 7.5 MW (situated in Myanchhyayem Rural Municipality, Terhathum District). Despite many difficulties during the development stage, we have proven our dedication and efficiency by completing our very first project within estimated time frame and less then estimated budget. We are determined to do our best to repeat this history again and again in our upcoming projects. TPCL is also developing a cascade project: Khorunga-Tangmaya Khola Hydropower Project of 2.00 MW.
BOD’S team spirit is the key to this accomplishment and local participation is the attraction of this organization. This blending enhances the company performance. We are in the last minute of ringing the bell. I am quite proud and encouraged to lead such managerial team and I do feel good.
Nepal’s water resource flows from its origin Northern side to Southern plain part. Our neighboring Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi said “It is impossible to hold the water in hills”, which is a universal truth and it is a real challenge for Nepal to hold its resources in the vertical geography. To overcome this challenge, we are not holding the water resources but we are trying to change our economy by streamlining this resource for its optimum use. By streamlining this resource, we may generate huge amount of hydroelectric power to enrich the industrialization in Nepal and earn revenue through export of the renewable energy to our neighboring regions. Energy is one of the basics of economic reform and TPCL and its stakeholders are trying to penetrate this challenge for economic development of Nepal.
Terhathum Power Company Ltd.