A team without a focused direction is hardly a team at all.
It’s been said that hydropower business is like going to war, and we’re ready for you to guide us to victory. we are excited to share the achievment we have achived jointly with your trust, faith and self-confidence as a stakholers of this company. We’re happy, we are under your watchful eye. Thank you for becoming a part of our team.
The hydropower potential in Nepal depends on the 6000 or more rivers flowing from mountains to hills and plains. Water resources is the major nautral resources identified for the development of Nepal. Nepal has a large hydropower potential out of 43000 MW financialy viable capacity. So far nearly 3.27 % of total potential has been exploited at present.
Message From Chairperson

Welcome everyone, Hydropower is a formidable industry and is a sustainable source of renewable energy without having any environmental hazards like those of the carbon base fuels. Our country is one of the richest in the world in terms of the total proportion of potential energy production from hydropower. Deep involvement of private entrepreneurship is of utmost importance to reap full benefit of this natural gift to the country and thereby take country out of dependence on expensive fossil fuel for much of its energy supply. Read More
Message From MD

With utmost dedication of stakeholders in TPCL, we have generated our first Hydroelectric Project: Upper Khorunga Khola Small Hydropower Project of 7.5 MW (situated in Myanchhyayem Rural Municipality, Terhathum District). Despite many difficulties during the development stage, we have proven our dedication and efficiency by completing our very first project within estimated time frame and less then estimated budget. We are determined to do our best to repeat this history again and again in our upcoming projects. TPCL is also developing a cascade project: Khorunga-Tangmaya Khola Hydropower Project of 2.00 MW. Read More